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FOREX can be described as an interbank exchange market that was created in 1971 as the global economy began to shift between fixed rates of exchange and floating rates. It's a grouping of transactions by FOREX market agents that involves the trade of funds between two countries using currency units executed at a fixed exchange price. The exchange rate utilized for these transactions depends on demand and supply patterns.


Within the FOREX market, the currency traded is constantly growing against another, which means that one currency will always be weaker against another. This means there is a chance to purchase or sell your way into the market.

With around USD 4 trillion transactions on the market daily, The FOREX market has the most excellent liquidity anywhere in the world. This means one can purchase virtually any currency in massive quantities when it is in operation. The FOREX market is generally available 24/7, every day from Monday through Friday. Trading starts at the time of opening trading across Australia, Asia, Europe following, then in the USA until the market closes.